>> Friday, April 9, 2010
Natural Cures For Psoriasis
Psoriasis is defined as a chronic yet non-contagious skin disorder characterized by thickened reddish patches on the skin. This is a recurring condition and is also characterized by silvery white scales which may vary in severity and areas of affected body parts. The genital areas, scalp and nails can be affected.A lot of patients suffering from psoriasis experience intense emotional struggles while they fight in order to control the disorder.
These emotional struggles can sometimes lead to the occurrence of remissions and flare ups all year round.Unfortunately, there is no known cure for psoriasis but it is certainly possible to control and lessen the condition. Optimal control of this disease is through observing healthy lifestyle and proper skin care management.
Here are 9 tips to help people cope and manage psoriasis:
Tip#1: Maintain a healthy lifestyle. When you are weak and tired, psoriasis flare ups tend to occur most often. A balanced diet can help in lowering the occurrence of remissions as well. Reduction of alcohol and red meats can go a long way in helping the balance in skin integrity.
The increase in water intake and at least 7-8hours of sleep in a day can help keep the body in a healthier state. Moderate exercise around 3-4 times in a week can help as well. Medications have a 30% role in managing psoriasis and the remaining 70% is lifestyle adjustments and modifications.
9 Ways to Help Your Psoriasis
Tip#2: Smoking cessation is very important. Research have shown that pustular psoriasis of the soles and the palms is greatly aggravated by smoking. Lesions also clear up faster upon quitting smoking. The severity of psoriasis can be linked to smoking, thus it is imperative that patients should quit smoking in order to lessen the severity and occurrence of the dreaded signs and symptoms of psoriasis.
Tip#3: Drink less alcohol. Psoriasis is triggered by intake of alcohol. Dermatologists have reported that even a small quantity of alcohol can cause a flare up of psoriasis in some sufferers.
Tip#4: Stress management is essential in controlling psoriasis. Remissions and exacerbations of all types of psoriasis are strongly related to the stress level of the patient. Psoriasis itself can be considered as a lifestyle disease which when combined with genetic factors can occur without warning. Hormones play a significant role in the development of psoriasis especially when a person is in a high level of stress.
Stress management, biofeedback exercises and progressive relaxation as well as yoga can help in lowering the probability of remissions in psoriatic patients. The National Psoriasis Foundation has emphasized that when stress reduction is combined with the proper medical treatment, psoriasis can be controlled.
Tip #5: Be careful in taking medications which can aggravate psoriasis. There are certain types of medications which can precipitate and aggravate the occurrence of psoriasis.
Introduction and Types of Psoriasis Disease
Drugs which can trigger psoriasis may include:
Anti-malarial drugs like chloroquine Beta-blockers which are a type of medication used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure) Corticosteroids can cause sudden episodes of flare ups Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like indomethacin can worsen psoriasis Lithium which is a mood stabilizer (antipsychotic drug) can cause remissions and intensify the signs and symptoms of psoriasis
Tip#6: Maintain good skin integrity by avoiding trauma to the lesions. If the skin will breakdown it can cause infection. Research said that 50% of people suffering from psoriasis experience the "Koebner phenomenon" when there is the development of skin lesions on the site of injury. Avoid scrubbing, scratching of the scales from the lesion since it can worsen the disease.
Tip#7: Any form of infection in the body should be treated promptly. Research studies have shown that the occurrence of infection can greatly trigger psoriasis. Streptococcal infections, candidal infection and HIV infection can cause the outbreak of various types of psoriasis.
Dental caries, sinusitis, tonsillitis, gall bladder infection and urinary bladder infection etc can cause the development of psoriasis among patients afflicted with this condition. Treat any disease before it worsens. Consult a dermatologist at the earliest sign of a psoriatic break out. In this way, you can effectively manage the itchiness and appearance of lesions in the body.
How To Cure Scalp Psoriasis
Tip #8: Proper skin care routines should be followed as a priority. Patients suffering from psoriasis should always keep their skin moist and supple. Dryness of the skin should be avoided in order to decrease the level and occurrence of itching, flaking and scaling of the skin.
Use emollients and moisturizers to avoid dryness. Sunscreens should be used 15 to 20 minutes before going outdoors and make sure you wear protective clothing from the sun. This is due to the fact that intense sun can trigger an attack.
Tip#9: Learn how to live with your condition. Psoriasis is beyond cure but it can be managed properly. There are a myriad of treatment options on the care and management of this skin disorder. Do all you can to maintain a healthy mind and body to decrease the severity of psoriasis.