Psoriasis And Other Things You Should Consider

>> Wednesday, August 15, 2012

By Leigh Owen

General information about psoriasis

Psoriasis refers to a skin condition that can simply be referred to as highly frustrating. In such a problem, you will see dry, red, and scaly patches on the skin. These flare-ups can get highly aggravating too. It can make people extremely self-conscious about their appearance. Such individuals would be reluctant to go out, even to the supermarket without covering themselves correctly. Generally, it is a skin disease in which the skin cells tend to grow too quickly leading to a pile up so therefore, the formation of lesions.

Types of psoriasis

This condition can be classified into vulgarise and exudative (erythrodermic, pustular arthropathic). There are various types of this condition: the so-called red psoriasis, which is manifested by red well defined spots, the type that looks like the skin is covered with fish scales and the third type with parchment, thick and cracked skin. To these are added some very strong itching symptoms, that means a heavy burden for each patient. Depending on the size and shape of the lesions we can have the following types: nail-psoriasis, palm-psoriasis, scalp-psoriasis and reversed-psoriasis (affects body folds).

Different treatments

So far, this condition has no cure but there are many ways to treat it. The most effective way is to keep the skin well moisturized. This includes something as simple as using light olive oil to lubricate the skin. Creams that contain lactic acid also work well, and some dermatologists expose their patients to small amounts of ultra violet light to clear flare ups of psoriasis. They can only do this in small amounts because the UV light damages the skin as well as treats skin conditions like psoriasis.

Why choose natural home remedies

There are a various helpful natural home remedies. After all, there is no magic cure for this skin disease. These include water therapy, besides specific exercises as well as using of support splints. Other home remedies include cold, heat, along with rest. Moreover, they have to be change in diet as well as weather conditions, removal of scales as well as nail care. All these are very effective remedies which have no side effects of any kind.

Diet plan

It is recommended to modify your diet in order to actually treat this condition. The most effective dietary manipulation has to be the following of a gluten-free diet. Gluten can be found in grasses like wheat, rye as well as barley. Even fish oil benefits those who are suffering from psoriasis. Moreover, there are lots of advantages from eating healthy. This would include eating fresh fruits and vegetables in addition to small amounts of protein from fowl and fish. Also, fiber supplements and olive oil can help. Red meat and processed foods besides refined carbohydrates need to be avoided as much as possible.

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About This Blog

In this blog you will be know the types of psoriasis. Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease that generally affects people between the age of 15 and 35. It is a non-contagious condition that goes into remission with treatment but may reappear due to triggers such as stress, skin injury, certain medications and allergies. People usually only suffer from one type of psoriasis at a time, but it may convert to another type. The five main types of psoriasis are plaque psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, inverse psoriasis, pustular psoriasis, and erythrodermic psoriasis

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